make an easy way for you to earn extra income, refer a friend = get the bonus.
No capital, no risk, no time needed.
Only with share your fun and joy on to your friend, and assist them successful become our new members and reload to play, you will get a maximum of 1.2% of their betting money as commision.
How to Become our Junket
Step 1 Go to
Step 2 Click <<Account Login>>
Step 3 Click <<Junket>>
*You must be active member
How to Submit Friend Details
Step 1 Go to
Step 2 Click <<Account Login>>
Step 3 Click <<Junket>>
Step 4 Enter your email, hp number and dream car and submit
Step 5 Click <<New Customer>>
Step 6 Enter Your Friend Game Id and HP Number
*The details you submit must be match with the user details of your friend, or it will not be told for not qualify.
*You must submit the friend registration within 3 days upon his registration or the friend will not valid for commision.
Claim the Commision
*Every month commision will be settle twice,1-15 and 16-31 to the month.
*Commision will be given to you from 1 to 3 or 16 to 18 per month by bank in to you or direct reload to your gaming account accordingly.
*There are 4 level of junket system, level 1 0.3%, level 2 0.5%, level 3 0.7% and level 4 1.2%
*Junket commision will be increase with your effort in the system
*The commision will be given in either direct reload to your gaming account or bank in to you according situation.
Terms and Conditions
*Your friend must be newly customer/first time user of
*Your friend must be used different IP computer with you to register
*Your friend name must not be in Junket User List.
*You must be valid regular users, that have valid reload records, and we can cancel your junket account without knowledge if you against our terms and conditions.